What Hand believes in

We believe in people's transforming power, allied to management and technology. For this reason, our day-by-day is focused on people's training and development.

Our team is composed of extremely talented people. Here our talents are treasured and encouraged. We help our talents plan their future for everyone to acheive their potential. Here, we grow and you grow along.

No que a Hand acredita

Acreditamos no poder transformador das pessoas, aliado à gestão e tecnologia. Por isso, o nosso dia a dia é focado na formação e desenvolvimento de pessoas.

Nosso time é composto por pessoas extremamente talentosas. Aqui nossos talentos são valorizados e incentivados. Ajudamos nossos talentos a planejarem o seu futuro e apoiamos para que todos realizem seu potencial. Aqui nós crescemos e você cresce.

academy logo

To give you the best support possible, we have Hand Academy, an 140 hours-long qualification program for new members. In this program, our new professionals learn, in a profound way, about the areas, projects and activities performed by Hand.
This training is performed by the company's professionals, giving permission to the sight of a practical learning, through theorical concepts applied to our clients' day-by-day.
At Hand we have the opportunity to work directly with associates, managers and successful entrepreneurs.

academy logo

Para te apoiar da melhor maneira, nós temos um programa de capacitação para os novos integrantes, o Hand Academy (módulo I), com 180 horas. Nesse programa, nossos novos profissionais aprendem, de maneira aprofundada, sobre as áreas, projetos e atividades que a Hand realiza.

Esse treinamento é realizado por profissionais da empresa para que, trazendo conceitos teóricos aplicados ao dia a dia dos nossos clientes, permitem uma visualização a aprendizado prático.

Na Hand temos a oportunidade de trabalhar diretamente com sócios, gestores e empresários de sucesso.

Última turma 2023


Na primeira semana de Março/2023, nove integrantes recentes do time Hand concluíram a jornada de 180 horas da Hand Academy. O programa exclusivo de capacitação apresenta, de maneira aprofundada, sobre as áreas, projetos e atividades que a Hand realiza. O treinamento é realizado por profissionais da empresa para que, trazendo conceitos teóricos aplicados ao dia a dia dos nossos clientes, permitem uma visualização a aprendizado prático. Assim, a Hand oferece, aos novos profissionais, a oportunidade de trabalhar diretamente com sócios, gestores e empresários de sucesso.

In February/2024, the new members of our team completed the 140-hour Hand Academy journey.

The exclusive qualification program presents, in a detailed way, content about areas, projects and activities that Hand performs. This training is performed by the company’s professionals, giving permission to the sight of a practical learning, through theorical concepts applied to our clients’ day-by-day. At Hand we have the opportunity to work directly with associates, managers and successful entrepreneurs. 

Time Hand na Hand Academy 2024

I consider the Hand Academy as a guide to understanding the activities and challenges that permeate our performance at Hand. It encompasses essential pillars of extremely relevant topics, contributing to the development of tasks with greater confidence and critical thinking. Regarding the most significant aspects, I believe that correcting the proposed exercises and correlating them with 'real cases' were crucial for understanding the content. Additionally, the availability of extended periods for exclusive dedication, along with the encouragement and support of colleagues and leaders, played pivotal roles.

Time Hand - Julia Machado
Júlia Scappini Machado
Alumni Hand Academy 2024

The Hand Academy was an enriching journey that provided me with personal and professional growth. Through the program, I honed my technical skills, established valuable connections with other professionals, and received guidance from experienced mentors. Additionally, the obtained certification strengthened my resume and set me apart in the market. This experience not only improved my skills but also helped me adopt a more humanized approach to work.

Time Hand - Laura
Laura Silveira de Oliveira
Alumni Hand Academy 2024

The program provided me with a broad view of different topics crucial for a complete understanding of a project, thus assisting me in my work routine at Hand. Significant aspects include classes adapted to the needs of collaborators within the company, as well as exercises related to problems experienced daily in the workplace.

Time Hand - Felipe
Felipe Alegre Gandolfi
Alumni Hand Academy 2024

I joined Hand with basic experience and knowledge in Power BI and DAX. With the training, I progressed much further than what two external courses I took could provide. As for the other classes, they covered topics from my daily work but were approached dynamically and focused on the reality of the company. Colleagues who didn't have daily experience in these areas went from zero to immersion, making the classes very productive for all of us.

Time Hand - Cinara Noia Gomes - Imagem 2
Cinara Noia Gomes
Alumni Hand Academy 2024

The course addresses topics present in the day-to-day of work, providing a good foundation for issues that will be frequent. Additionally, it offers support in areas where I lack experience, making the entire course process interesting and rewarding.

Time Hand - Igor
Igor Aloisio Costhaisme
Alumni Hand Academy 2024

I learned a lot, especially about taxes, of which I didn't know much, and also about finance and operations, going much deeper than what I learned in college.

Time Hand - Bruno
Bruno Gasparini Ballerini
Alumni Hand Academy 2024

Hand Academy is a great preparer for all who join Hand. This learning program eases up the comprehension of many tools used in the company internally, as well as diverse day-by-day concepts. For me it was very important, because it was possible to develop knowledge for my area of expertise in the learning process. The program mentors are very qualified and prompt the developing of critical analysis through real problems. Without a doubt the best training program I've ever joined.

Time Hand - Raphael Lopes
Raphael Babler Lopes
Alumni Hand Academy 2023

I liked the Hand Academy for the following reason: the opportunity to meet Hand's managers and their wealth of experience and relevance in transforming businesses. In each area, whether operations, business intelligence, controllership or management, we all had an overview of Hand's value proposition.

Time Hand - Derek Motarelli
Derek Motarelli
Alumni Hand Academy 2023

The course is a great introduction to the corporate world. It speaks of the overview operation of a company, something that for me was very important, having completed the course on Statistics, which doesn't dive further into company administration. The course is deepened into subjects like finance management, operational management and Power BI tool usage. I didn't have an idea of the importance of this tool before. Like many, I believed it to be shallow, without much possibility and applicability. Something remarkable to me about Hand Academy is the possibility of learning directly from partners of the company, highly qualified and experienced professionals.

Time Hand - Marcos Zonaro
Marcos Vinicius Viotto Zonaro
Alumni Hand Academy 2023

Hand Academy is a training program of many days and hours that prepares you in an indescribable way, going through areas like fiscal, accounting, operations, BI, among many others. Academy is extremely complete and added in my knowledge background. The most interesting thing in training is the fact that it's not only in your area of expertise inside Hand. It gives you base for participating in discussions that go beyond your routine or your daily life. To sum up, an amazing experience.

Time Hand - Emanuela Minetti
Emanuela Minetti
Alumni Hand Academy 2023

Hand Academy prepared me for working and maintaining a direct contact with clients, partners and influential people once I got the hang of content worked for and discussed at the company. More than that, the program showed me the path to take in projects, made me more confident and provided me a bigger integration with my colleagues and manager.

Maria Eduarda Fontana
Alumni Hand Academy 2022

When I entered Hand I didn't have much knowledge about specific areas that the company works in, so Hand Academy was a game changer. The program helped me interact with new peers and also gave me an overall view about all kinds of projects. Ever since the beginning of it, I felt that the time and resource investment with new members was essential for me to be able to work in projects with ease.

Enrico Madia
Alumni Hand Academy 2022

Hand Academy is different from all trainings I participated in, because we learn how to apply theory to practice with real cases already worked at Hand. Moreover, with Hand Academy, I could connect better with my colleagues, even though we don't work in the same area, because we discussed and found solutions to submitted problems together.

Livia Sanches Bevilacqua
Alumni Hand Academy 2022

Hand Academy enables learning to be more interesting, because all theory makes sense once we use it to solve problems and real challenges. The professionals that guided us were also essential for transforming our learning, as they were always encouraging us and answering our questions.

Lorenzo de Camargo Moraes Abbatepietro
Alumni Hand Academy 2022